During our River Front Walk, we regale you with the stories about the mighty Ganges and Hooghly, its evolution as a great Port, the numerous Ghats & Monuments built around it (each with its own story) and give you a glimpse of the people whose lives revolve directly around the river and riverfront. We also take you on a small boat ride so you can feel the river from close, see the City of Kolkata from the river and enjoy a ride. You also get many photography opportunities in this area. And if you are really lucky, you may even see a couple of Gangetic Dolphins fleetingly, as they cavort in the river. Children could be taken to the Millennium Parks where there are options for simple joy rides, swings, and other play amenities.
The nodal point would be Eden Garden Pagoda Gate. The Riverfront walk cum boat ride would be of a duration of 1.5 hours with the possibility of 1/2 an hour spill over to account for your extra time for photography, etc (only where ever it is allowed and if other group members are ok with it)