The everyday life of a Sundarban resident generally revolves around two things- The tide and the tiger. Many species of animals, birds, reptiles or trees exists here in the Sundarbans. It is one of the biggest mangrove expanses and that it forms the biggest deltas of the world.
Day 1
8AM : Meet at our office at Backpackers Sundarban tour, 4 tottee lane and leave Calcutta by car/van (non-ac).Clients can also have a pickup point from Science city at 9am.
9AM: Breakfast of veg sandwich will be served. Three and a half hours of journey to Godkhali, the last road point.
11AM : Cross over to the island of Gosaba,by local ferry which is the biggest market for hundreds of villages around.
1.30PM : Reach our eco village abode on the island of Satjelia, followed by lunch.
3.00PM : A walk through the beautiful paddy fields and the village of honey collectors and fishermen, looking out for local rituals and beliefs.This village has no car or electricity hence it makes this walk surreal.
3.30PM : Country boat ride for bird watching, during two to three hours, spotting seven types of kingfisher, egret, brahmani eagles, pond heron, black cormorants etc and above all getting introduced to the lovely mangroves, with surreal creatu es like fiddler crabs, mud skipper fish etc.
6.30PM : Return to the eco village, just after the sunset.
7PM : An enchanting evening with the local musicians with their age old musical instruments, trying to understand the local music in their backyard. A session of refreshments.
8.30-9PM: Dinner is served according to the leisure of every individual guest, getting prepared to spend the night in the mud cottages of our eco village or in the sleeping cabins of our boats, ELMAR and PARA SIEMPRE.Our Eco-village is powered by Solar energy so you can have the creature comfort of fan and light in your cottage with the silence of the jungle and be sure to sleep like a baby.
Day 2
6.30AM: We try to start as early as possible, board our personalized engine boat, ELMAR, get the required permissions from the forest office, which is just opposite to our village, and head off into the jungle, for our rendezvous with one of the biggest mangroves of the world, rich in flora and fauna.
This boat cruise will last till sunset and during this period, we will visit 3 watch towers, namely Sajnekhali,Sudhanyakhali and Dobanki.
Cruising the small channels and creeks we will try to spot different wildlife, spotted deer, wild boars, civet cat, monitor lizard, crocodiles, dolphins and of course the royal Bengal tiger.
Breakfast, lunch, and other refreshments will be cooked and served on the boat.
At sunset, we start our journey back for Kolkata and reach by 9- 10 pm. Dinner is not inclusive for this night.